My very first meal on landing in Singapore. Rice, Fish and Eggs with coffee!

Saying hello to Westbay, my home for the next 6 months :)

COM1! The main building of the School of Computing at NUS. I remember passing by this building everyday on my way to work.

Setting up my work desk!

My desk at the Systems and Networking Lab in COM2!

One of my favourite things about NUS, the amazing transportation inside and outside campus!

The road I would take to and from work. It was not the shortest path, but worth it!

Swimming in the apartment complex pool! My apartment complex was pretty lavish! Although I never visited the pool again 😂

Uptown Singapore! Clicked on my visit to Singapore MEA for administrative purposes!

A familiar face in an unfamiliar place! Detective Conan! Clicked at Chinatown! A kind stranger was happy to click this for me.

View of COM1, taken from the bus stand where I would wait for a bus back home everyday. A deeply soothing view!

Singapore gets rainfall on more days than not in a year. One of those days when the sky threatened to burst.

Palawan Beach at Sentosa!

I would've never imagined that McDonald's Sweet Potato icecream could exist. Nor that it could taste THAT good!

Who would've thought ordering "extra extra hot" chicken wings was a bad idea?

Nightlife in Singapore. Taken on a trip for Mexican food on a friend's birthday!

Follow the yellow brick road!

West Coast Bay at Sunset. I have spent multiple evenings in awe of this breathtaking view.

There was nobody in the club. We were too early. So we resorted to awkward posing with the club mascot 😂!

Ready to eat food is basically what I survived on most of the time. I will never forget Maggi Broccoli Fettuccini Pasta :).

I celebrated my 22nd birthday in lockdown!

Enjoying Domino's with my flatmates! L to R: Yashdeep, Yash, Harshit, Manan, Me

On a late night walk with flatmates and friends.

The amazing view from my home balcony!

Coleman Street. Taken on my last day in Singapore!

My room as I left it on the night I left Singapore to go back to India!
